Community Benefits
To support libraries, research centers, museums, galleries, academies, public buildings and halls, parks, playgrounds, places of recreation and other places of use […]
Packages Foundation help organizations to create awareness on different matters of the society and promote education.
To support libraries, research centers, museums, galleries, academies, public buildings and halls, parks, playgrounds, places of recreation and other places of use […]
To undertake activities and projects for empowerment of women and other vulnerable members of the society.
To undertake/support literary, agricultural, technical and scientific activity, research or training.
To impart education and training and to encourage and promote research in such areas of the arts, sciences and all the other […]
To support hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, maternity homes, centers, convalescent homes, orphanages and old house for the assistance and care of the vulnerable […]
To impart technical and practical training to the rural classes with a view to preparing them to participate meaningfully in the rural […]
To support schools, colleges, institutions of learning and practical training for welfare of underprivileged communities.
To carry out activities in the field of education to help poor and needy students.